Thursday, December 2, 2010

100 Things

It has been only 4 days since Terry left for Texas, and my insecure, co-dependent self is incredibly saddened. Silly, I know. But I saw something that said when you are feeling sad, write 100 things down that make you happy. Sounds easy, but lets see.
1. Watching my kids loving on each other. (doesn't happen too often, lol.)
2. listening to my kids sing songs, especially the "I love Mommy" song Maddie made up.
3. fires in the fireplace with hot cocoa and a movie.
4. Being snuggled up with my kids and my guy. :)
5. Toe socks (pretty profound stuff here! hehe.)
6. Baking cookies just perfectly moist.
7. Getting new bras. (yes, when you are my size, and they cost $40 a piece, you get excited for new ones)
8. Random flowers brought home from my guy. It rarely happens, so it is special when it does.
9. hearing my kids' laughter
10. watching their excitement on their faces
11. date nights
12. buying my kids clothes. sounds weird, but i LOVE it!!!!
13. getting new shoes :)
14. smells of freshly mown grass in the end of spring/beginning of summer when the grass still has the moisture in it for the best smells.
15. caterpillars. :) love the orange and black super fuzzy ones.
16. good haircuts. It really makes such a difference in how you feel.
17. unique things- zipper purse. and my seat belt purse. Love them so much!
18. Those dainty little weeds that look like flowers. No idea what they are, but i love them.
19. sunshine on a cold day
20. Terry doing dishes. :D
21. rearranging and cleaning the house. (only occasionally)
22. Terry snuggling up to me in bed. Even if half the time it is just to get warm. :)
23. family outings
24. reading a good book
25. getting a mani/pedi, cause it makes me feel pretty. Mainly because I don't normally don't get it done or do it myself.
26. Good music. One of Rebecca St. James' albums is my "happy music"
27. Taking loooooong drives in the country. (while listening to said "happy music" from above)
28. Shopping.
29. spending time at mom and dads laughing it up with my sisters and mom.
30. making my family happy. It really does make me happy too. :)

So far 30. I'll think of some more later.

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